Postbank´s many shell company accounts!

Postbanks many shell company accounts

Postbank´s many shell company accounts!

Our research shows that Postbank Germany (a subsidiary of Deutsche Bank) was definitely “the bank to go” for scammers in 2016 – 2020 to open bank accounts for shell companies. We collected the data of more than 90 shell companies with bank accounts with different Postbank branches all over Germany.


Our daily work consists of collecting data from bank transfer slips and credit card statements provided by the victims. That way, we identify the FinTechs, banks, crypto exchanges that enable the cybercriminals to get hold of the stolen money. Without European enablers like licensed and unlicensed FinTechs, banks, crypto exchanges, the scammers would not be able to defraud European consumers as it happens right now. We identify the acquirers  (card companies like PAYVISION and WIRECARD) eager to do business with scammers. We collect bank account numbers used by shell companies set up and used by scammers and file claims against banks not caring about customer due diligence requirements.


All the shell companies listed below got a bank account with Postbank Germany and were used to intake millions of stolen funds and to transfer the stolen funds to the scammers.

All these shell companies (“Postbank´s many shell company accounts”) showed the following characteristics:

  • set up by Company builders
  • no business activity
  • no employees
  • general manager and beneficial owner abroad
  • no office
  • transfers did not match with business activity stated in the public registers
  • millions of stolen money got transferred in and out within days and weeks.

Postbank Germany is still convinced to have complied with all legal Customer Due Diligence (CDD) requirements. Victims asking for help, and refunds are rejected.

If we missed a shell company you are aware of, please get in touch with us to get the list completed.

Shell companies with bank accounts with Deutsche Bank/Postbank used for scams!
Company Owner IBAN 1 Bank Scam City Country
Ion Maga Postbank Germany
Asia & More Elektroniks GmbH Raivis Dirda DE82440100460367959466 Postbank Dortmund Germany
Astics Systems DE11440100460455266467 Postbank Dortmund Germany
Castle IT Jülija Filipova DE55100100100786428129 Postbank Berlin Germany
COMO MARKETS GMBH Normunds Grislis DE23440100460375276462 Postbank Dortmund Germany
KIMO MARKETS GMBH Vadims Severenko DE33440100460368079464 Postbank Dortmund Germany
CONDESK ROZGA DE79440100460409328468 Postbank xtraderfx, safemarkets Dortmund Germany
StronIT Bogdanovs 8-9 % DE16100100100924066108 Postbank BlueTrading Berlin Germany
WebMasterSolutions GmbH Robertico Pedro Bito *09.09.1973 DE02440100460400945465 Postbank Dortmund Germany
Workplace GmbH Celnokovs DE40440100460412627461 Postbank Getfinancial Dortmund Germany
World-Systems-Consult GmbH Andrejs Poluektovs * 09.11.1975 DE71100100100923907105 Postbank Berlin Germany
Widestep GmbH Cerepovs DE92440100460412418460 Postbank GetFinancial Dortmund Germany
VINOG Logik Consult GmbH Pavels Vinogradovs DE34860100900988663905 Postbank Leipzig Germany
Swiss-Convene Krasovskis DE84440100460406318468 Postbank Dortmund Germany
Sudacki-ServicePoint DE20860100900988723909 Postbank Germany
Trustsecure Gmbh Serghei Grodetchi DE42370100500980910505 Postbank safemarket/xtraderfx Köln Germany
Ion & Maga Ion Maga DE32760100850118579850 Postbank Blue Trading Germany
Ion & Maga 2 Ion Maga DE65760100850118588859 Postbank Blue Trading Germany
Ivanco  Services  GMBH Ruslans Ivankovs DE06100100100919215124 Postbank Germany
Davis Consulting GmbH Davis Kondratjevs DE11440100460414901469 Postbank safemarkets/xtraderfx Nürnberg Germany
FinTechServices GmbH Petersons, Andis 10.02.1964 Roga DE12440100460402921466 Postbank Blue Trading Dortmund Germany
Djbi Markets Trade GmbH Agris Driviniks DE17440100460358324462 Postbank Germany
Cosmo VIP Markets GmbH Alona Kuzmina DE79440100460326629469 Postbank Dortmund Germany
Grudzi Logik De38860100900988751909 Postbank Germany
Gudzelak Services GmbH i. G. Marek Gudelak DE54860100900988735907 Postbank Germany
Herods Vitalijs Negra DE35440100460406131461 Postbank Dortmund Germany
Global Data Conducting GmbH DE98440100460407797466 Postbank Dortmund Germany
Globus DE21860100900988535905 Postbank Germany
Hipo Market GmbH Normunds Orlovskis DE78440100460377655464 Postbank Dortmund Germany
IInstantSecure Janis Auglis DE06100100100922850102 Postbank Germany
Prime Media GmbH Kaspars Giberts DE12440100460370355462 Postbank Germany
PURE GNE  Consulting GmbH Hermans Steinberrgs DE45100100100926781101 Postbank Berlin Germany
PURE GNE 2 Consulting GmbH Hermans Steinberrgs *16.07.1996 DE30860100900988190908 Postbank Germany
Intersafety GmbH Ferdinand Marlon Ines Curacao DE23440100460387556468 Postbank Germany
Lipans Lipans DE59440100460419855462 Postbank Dortmund Germany Stela DE30440100460374583465 Postbank Dortmund Germany
MediaCoin GmbH Nils Danebergs DE28440100460397001462 Postbank Germany
Securityport GmbH Ivars Fomins Karasava 14.06.1966 DE63760100850103092854 Postbank safemarkets/xtraderfx/BlueTrading Nürnberg Germany
Sotki Smart Consulting GmbH DE54440100460448974467 Postbank Germany
Mega Service Dmitrijs Prosvirnins *16.07.1986 Riga DE67100100100927825104 Postbank Berlin Germany
Mikka Julia Filipova DE84440100460449066465 Postbank Germany
Net Vertriebs GmbH Kaspars Giberts DE38440100460367950461 Postbank Germany
Net Work Consulting GmbH Baychev DE74440100460416952467 Postbank safemarkets Dortmund Germany
Net Work Consulting GmbH Baychev DE87440100460415570468 Postbank Get Financial Germany
Queen World Sprogis DE12100100100924492107 Postbank Berlin Germany
Pesso Sandis DE89440100460448604461 Postbank Germany
Premium Service ECN GmbH Imants Lüsis *02.07.1961 Riga DE27440100460402608468 Postbank Dortmund Germany
Digiweb UG DE21100100100926918109 Postbank Germany
Safemarkts ltd. DE63760100850103092854 Postbank Germany
Intel Estate Bau GmbH DE6244010046043173466 Postbank xtraderfx, OSG Germany
Trustsecure Gmbh DE42370100500980910505 Postbank GETFInancial /Blue Trading/safemarkets Köln Germany
Optimum commerce  – safemarktes DE63760100850103092854 Postbank safemarkets Nürnberg Germany
Gpay limited – xtraderfx DE63760100850103092854 Postbank xtraderfx, safemarkets Nürnberg Germany
Basso Energy GmbH DE44100100100743855124 Postbank Getfinancial Berlin Germany
Harods Consulting GmbH DE35440100460406131461 Postbank Get Financial Dortmund Germany
Toot Capital ES2200190090104010109354 Deutsche Bank AlgoTech/BEALGO Germany
B2G GmbH DE67380700590073743700 Deutsche Bank safemarkets Bonn Germany
Matodaj GmbH DE75860100900987235909 Postbank safemarkets Leipzig Germany
Serena GmbH DE76440100460382422468 Postbank Dortmund Germany
xYz GmbH DE83440100460352196463 Postbank Dortmund Germany
Simhaone Handels UG DE81100100100066986130 Postbank Fibonetix Berlin Germany
Vilmos Handel UG DE922440100460519063461 Postbank Fibonetix Germany
Cosmo Trading UG DE09100100100039326130 Postbank Fibonetix Berlin Germany
Infunding Estate GmbH DE98100100100833955124 Postbank CFDs100 Berlin Germany
Egramming GmbH i Gr. DE40100100100261709130 Postbank Capitalcoinx Berlin Germany
P&B Phoenix Consulting GmbH DE48100100100927969103 Postbank Obsbit Berlin Germany
MV Handels UG DE25440100460519090469 Postbank FXLeader Dortmund Germany
Maka marketing UG DE50100100100165479130 Postbank FXLeader Berlin Germany
Vintrade DE GmbH DE85100100100100429136 Postbank OmegaFX Berlin Germany
Zanfir Trading UG DE06100100100067073131 Postbank Fibonetix Berlin Germany
Semjo Consult Services GmbH DE35370100500982877500 Postbank Kayafx Kontofx Köln Germany
Mellis Creation GmbH DE63760100850103092854 Postbank Germany
Verotra Sern GmbH i G DE64440100460468963465 Postbank Jones Mutual Dortmund Germany
Nalesstra UG DE37100100100941128127 Postbank Jones Mutual Berlin Germany
Kinderdorf UG DE87440100460288096463 Postbank Jones Mutual Frankfurt Germany
Reversoro UG DE52100100100924468107 Postbank Fibonetix Berlin Germany
Averus UG Postbank Germany
Datatree Cert GMbH IG DE20440100460313754460 Postbank InnovateMarkets Dortmund Germany
Coonar option 53 GmbH DE35440100460305251461 Postbank InnovateMarkets Dortmund Germany
markets Trade 53 Xenura GmbH DE48440100460305256465 Postbank InnovateMarkets Dortmund Germany
V Capital Gmbh DE04440100460335443463 Postbank InnovateMarkets Dortmund Germany
Cosmo Markets Management REF DE79440100460326629469 Postbank InnovateMarkets Dortmund Germany
Sasho B+H Germany
IMS GmbH Germany
Numerian Treuhand AG Germany
Tercero UG DE24 1001 0010 0571 4981 24 Postbank InnovateMarkets Berlin Germany



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