Avoid downloading ANYDESK!

AAvoid downloading Anydesk

Avoid downloading ANYDESK!

During the hearing of the witnesses in the Vienna Cybercrime Trials last week (please read more here on FinTelegram), it got evident that the remote software tool AnyDesk was involved in all fraud cases. More or less all Gal Barak’s victims told the judge that the boiler room agents heavily pushed them to download this free-of-charge software tool, thus enabling the fraudsters to remote access the PC of the victims and to purportedly “assist” them in

  • installing the customer account on the online trading website;
  • transferring money via the victim’s online banking facilities;
  • creating and settling the trades;
  • opening crypto wallets;
  • arranging credit facilities.

The boiler room agents staging as “investment advisers” or certified “traders” urged the victims to open AnyDesk whenever the victim opened its trading account, and they started their “advisor sessions.”

Due to information received from our EFRI members (today more than 820 victims from different scams), we know that AnyDesk was used for sure with the following scams: XTraderFX, SafeMarkets, Golden Market, OptionStarsGlobal, KayaFX, KontoFX, UproFX, ProuFX, ProTraderexProufix, Brokerz, Capital Traders, KeyMarkets, EUR Trades, Fibonetix, RIMarkets-fx.com, Millenium-fx, Toptrade pro, and many, many others.

AnyDesk is used by scammers and their boiler rooms as an efficient weapon to defraud clients. Thus, we have decided to write an open letter to AnyDesk to ask for their support in the fight against scammers in the first place and, additionally, to warn consumers and retail investors to use AnyDesk carelessly: